Quality Control Program - Nationwide Appraisal Management LLC


Nationwide Appraisal Management places the highest emphasis on the quality of our appraisal products. The Nationwide Appraisal Management Quality Control (QC) Program is outlined as follows:

  • Nationwide Appraisal Management Fee Panel Management recruiting process requires that the Appraiser Application be reviewed in several ways. The complete application is reviewed by an internal Nationwide Appraisal Management appraiser, who determines if the applicant has adequate appraisal experience to provide quality appraisal products. If the appraiser’s experience level is not considered to be adequate for all products, a limitation is placed on their profile to allow limited types of orders. In addition, the appraiser’s “sample” reports are reviewed to check their appraisal methodology and accuracy. If the applicant meets the rigorous rigorous Nationwide Appraisal Management standards, the appraiser is added to the Fee Panel as a business partner.
  • Desk reviews are performed as required by the underwriting guidelines of various Nationwide Appraisal Management customers. If an Nationwide Appraisal Management appraiser completed the original appraisal report, any issues noted in the review are addressed with the appraiser during the review process.
  • A random sample of valuation products written by Nationwide Appraisal Management approved appraisers is audited each month to assure we are providing quality products. Any issues with the appraiser’s products are addressed with the appraiser. Follow up could result in requesting the appraiser to take additional appraisal courses or be removed from the Fee Panel. If quality issues are noted, the appraiser’s ability to accept orders could be negatively impacted and the appraiser could be recommended for a target audit.
  • Target audits are completed on appraisers when Nationwide Appraisal Management has a concern about the quality of an appraiser’s products. A sample of five to ten of the appraiser’s recent appraisal products may be reviewed for quality. Any issue with the sample reports are addressed with the appraiser. If the target audit confirms a quality issue, Nationwide Appraisal Management makes an effort to counsel and educate the appraiser before any further action is taken. If quality cannot be improved, or the quality issues are egregious, the appraiser can be removed from the Fee Panel.
  • The Corporate Quality Control Department conducts a random sample of Nationwide Appraisal Management products each month. If a product is found to be substandard, it is sent to Nationwide Appraisal Management for a response and analyzed to determine whether or not the Nationwide Appraisal Management report supported its value. Occasionally, there is information not available to the corporate field reviewer, resulting in a lower value. In such instances. The issue is resolved through communication with the Nationwide Appraisal Management appraiser. If the Nationwide Appraisal Management appraiser is at fault, specific issues are addressed to determine if this appraiser should take additional appraisal courses or be removed from the Fee Panel.
  • Internally, Nationwide Appraisal Management staff appraisers are also audited on a quarterly basis to ensure that appraisal quality meets or exceeds Nationwide Appraisal Management quality standards. Our staff appraisers are subject to the same quality control standards as our approved (Fee Panel) appraisers.
  • Appraisers on the Nationwide Appraisal Management Appraisal Fee Panel are periodically evaluated by a seven-part scoring system consisting of: 1) Quality review 2) Eligible orders submitted 3) On-time delivery 4) Acceptable fees 5) Customer service and professionalism 6) USPAP Compliance 7) Appraiser Independence Conformance

Nationwide Appraisal Management appraisers meeting the highest standards of these criteria are given first opportunity to accept new orders, in accordance to proper rotation procedures.

Nationwide Appraisal Management LLC.
